Last week (Monday28/08/2023, Tuesday 29/08/2023 and Wednesday 30/08/2023) we had an inspiring meeting with our colleagues of AccEnt regarding finetuning the education of Entrepreneurial Competencies / #entrecomp.
1. Content WP5: Our main focus: What is the nature of entrepreneurship? And how can we translate these to student audience? It’s about you as a person and how you deal with uncertainty.
2. Next, target audience:
First level, awareness: how risk adverse are you and what’s your self-efficacy level? (for every student/entrepreneur: 5.2 and 5.3)
Second level, train: can we train/stimulate these attitudes – for who and how? (5.3 and 5.4)
3. WP5 design roadmap:
Train-the-trainer: core framework discussion
Mentoring program: Expert feedback panel (non-experienced staff) + Model validation & enrichment of the framework (experienced staff)
Thanks: Bart Van Looy, Hanne Blockx, Marc Clerkx, Kris Vander Velpen, Carolien Verheyen, Pasja Pauwels