AccEnt x EITs Knowledge Exchange Event - Virtual Meetup on May 28th, 2024

Join Us for the “AccEnt x EITs Knowledge Exchange Event” – A Virtual Meetup ofInnovation and Entrepreneurship

We're thrilled to invite you to the AccEnt x EITs Knowledge Exchange Event, scheduledfor the afternoon of May 28th, 2024, from 17:00 to 19:00 CET. The event aims to enhanceawareness and understanding of the diverse acceleration and innovation support programsoffered by various EIT KICs and to provide attendants with valuable information aboutinitiatives and programs supporting innovation and entrepreneurship in each EIT KIC.

European Institute of Innovation & Technology will be represented by EIT Health, EIT Food,EIT Digital, EIT Culture & Creativity (tbc), and EIT Silicon Valley Hub.

Event Details

📅Date: May 28th, 2024, from 17:00 to 19:00 CET

Event Overview

The AccEnt x EITs Knowledge Exchange Event aims to enhance awareness andunderstanding of the diverse acceleration and innovation support programs offered byvarious EIT KICs. It serves as a platform for EIT KICs representatives to share valuableinsights into their organizations' entrepreneurship and innovation initiatives and to engage inforward-thinking discussions about the future of their respective sectors.

The event is split into two parts:

During Part A, the AccEnt project will be briefly introduced to the audience, moving nextforward to bringing EIT KICs’ representatives into the spotlight and having a roundtablediscussion on current trends, the connections and gaps between education andentrepreneurship, connection to similar initiatives and Europe’s strategy for the future.

During Part B, the audience will split into thematic break-out rooms, where each EIT KICrepresentative will specifically present their respective entrepreneurship andinnovation-support initiatives and funding opportunities. Moreover, in the break-out rooms,dedicated discussions in the sectors in focus will follow the presentation of the EITs. Thesesessions will allow for a deeper discussion on current innovation support programs(services/funding) and the prospective developments in each sector.

Who is it for:

This event is ideal for entrepreneurs, researchers, and anyone interested in the intersectionof education and entrepreneurship. Whether you are part of a startup, a spin-off, a student, aprofessor, an innovation enabler, or simply interested in the latest trends in innovation, theAccEnt x EITs Knowledge Exchange Event offers valuable insights and networkingopportunities.

Event Schedule

Part A: General Session (17:00 - 17:50)

● Opening remarks by AccEnt project coordinator, Prof. Efstratios Stylianidis

● Brief introduction of EIT KICs’ representatives

● “Education & Entrepreneurship” roundtable discussion

Part B: Breakout Rooms (17:50 - 18:50)

The audience will be redirected to attend one of the following sessions:

● Break-out Room 1 | EIT Health

● Break-out Room 2 | EIT Food

● Break-out Room 3 | EIT Digital

● Break-out Room 4 | EIT Culture & Creativity

Part C: Closing Remarks (18:50 - 19:00)


Secure your spot today to be part of this exciting event:

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to connect and grow within the EIT community!

This project has received funding from the European Union’s EIT HEI Initiative: Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education under Grant Agreement No 10047.

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