🚀📚 New Publication Alert: Advancing Knowledge Transfer in European Universities!

🎉 We are delighted to share that the article titled "Improving Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Services: A Roadmap for Knowledge Transfer Offices", authored by Lorenzo Compagnucci and Francesca Spigarelli, has been published in the Journal of Innovation & Knowledge. 🎓✨ This publication is a key milestone in the project’s efforts to advance our understanding of knowledge transfer offices (KTOs) and their role in supporting innovation and entrepreneurship, contributing to the achievement of Horizon Europe’s objectives.

📊 The article presents groundbreaking findings on how KTOs can address academic, economic, social, and environmental challenges through improvements in four key dimensions:

1️⃣ People

2️⃣ Culture

3️⃣ Governance

4️⃣ Collaboration

The research proposes a roadmap for enhancing KTO services, based on a multi-country study of European universities.

These insights will help drive forward innovations in university-industry collaboration and knowledge transfer, aligning with the project’s mission to foster innovation excellence in European higher education institutions.

📥 Download the article here!

This project has received funding from the European Union’s EIT HEI Initiative: Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education under Grant Agreement No 10047.

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